7-Keto MuscLean increases your metabolic rate, helping you to burn extra calories and lose body fat. 7-Keto is not a CNS stimulant, so there are none of the usual side effects associated with CNS stimulants.
This is a product with extensive research behind it: after years of research, very few natural products have been proven to increase the metabolic rate. 7-Keto is one of the few and it has proven to be an effective compound!
There are three studies, in particular, that stand out in regards to this product:
Study # 1:This was a 3 week study and was made up of 45 overweight adults. Test Subjects receiving 7-Keto (100 mg, twice daily) realized an increase in CBR by 100 calories per day on average compared to those in the placebo group.
Study #2:This was an 8 week research study that used 23 obese test subjects who ingested either 200mg of 7-Keto or a placebo. Both test groups were dieting and engaging in moderate exercise. The 7-keto group reduced body weight by 6.3 lb on average and reduced body fat by 1.8%. The placebo group lost just 2.1 lbs on average and reduced body fat by 0.28%.
Study # 3:This was also an 8-week study as in study #2. In this case, the 7-Keto group lost 4.7lbs on average and reduced their hip circumference by 1.5 inches, whereas the placebo group lost 1.6 lbs on average and reduced their hip circumference by 0.8 inches.
7-Keto Musclean Includes the Following Ingredients
7-Keto: This is a byproduct of the naturally-occurring hormone DHEA. Declining natural levels of this hormone can contribute to a slower metabolism. This is a non-stimulant ingredient that has been research proven to increase your metabolic rate and speed fat loss. This is an ingredient that will increase your metabolism without causing the typical side effects associated with the more common thermogenic category of products that raise your metabolic rate.
Green tea + caffeine: caffeine is in the form of guarana and also green tea itself. Green tea and caffeine are research proven compounds that will speed the metabolism and burn fat calories for energy.
Hoodia Gordonii: This South African herbal extract is an appetite suppressant that will help to reduce cravings and over-eating.
Bromelain and grapefruit extract: Natural diuretics that help decrease water retention. Excess water under the skin is a big challenge faced by numerous competitive bodybuilders, fitness and figure competitors.
Here's what others are saying ....
7-Keto MuscLean is great! I don't experience a crash or the jitters that other fat burners cause. What I do have is great energy and I’ve seen excellent fat loss. I recently injured my ankle and haven't been able to do my usual cardio. 7-Keto is helping me maintain my weight without cardio
- Jennifer H
Indianapolis, IN
I've been using 7-KETO for almost two months and I have lost 12 pounds so far! This is a great product!
- Tim W
Germantown, MD
1. http://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/publications/facts/obesity/en/
2. http://www.oecd.org/document/35/0,3343,en_21571361_44315115_46064099_1_1_1_1,00.html
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7. Westerterp-Plantenga MS (2010). Physiol Behav 100: 42.
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