- Supports Natural Testosterone Production
- Anti-Catabolic
- Helps Control Excess Estrogen
Testosterone is one of the body’s primary anabolic hormones, it’s responsible for such things as growth, development, natural energy, and sex drive. The bad news is that our natural production declines as we get older. What’s the good news? If you can increase your natural levels you can support muscle growth, encourage increased strength and promote an enhanced sex drive. One of the best ways to do that is with Alpha-AF by Steel Supplements!
Alpha-AF is a potent combination of herbs and other ingredients designed to support increased testosterone levels while at the same time inhibiting the negative effects caused by excess estrogen, such as excess water retention and excess fat storage. Do you want some more good news? Alpha-AF is not only a stand-alone test booster, it’s also an effective PCT – use it after your cycle and control estrogen while helping to restore testosterone to peak natural levels.
Alpha-AF by Steel Supplements – The Ultimate Choice!
1. Griggs, R. C., Kingston, W., Jozefowicz, R. F., Herr, B. E., Forbes, G., & Halliday, D. (1989, January). Effect of testosterone on muscle mass and muscle protein synthesis. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2917954
2. https://health.howstuffworks.com/sexual-health/sexuality/estrogen-and-testosterone-hormones-dictionary.htm