Are you all set to make huge gains, or just get plain ripped? The first step is getting to know your body. What body type do you have? Do you possess the genetic potential to be a bodybuilder? Even if you have a hard time putting muscle mass on, you can win competitions – Larry Scott, the first ever Mr. Olympia, was a genetic nobody. Here are ten surefire ways to help you gain mass:
1. Boost your protein.
The majority of bodybuilding specialists support consuming no less than 1 gram ofproteinper pound of bodyweight every day. To speed up the muscle building process, boost your daily protein ingestion to 1½ to 2 grams per pound of bodyweight. Adding to protein intake improves protein synthesis while stopping protein breakdown.
2. Increase the carbs.
Ingesting three grams of carbs per pound of bodyweight every day will give your body an abundance of calories for energy, guaranteeing that your protein derived calories will be left to promote muscle growth and repair. Another positive consequence of increasing carbs is that the body won’t break up muscle tissue for energy during training.
3. Emphasize the negative.
Muscle growth is the rational consequence of muscle contraction. A great deal of stress is placed on the concentric stage of a lift where the muscle shortens as it contracts. But the stretching of the muscle during the eccentric, or negative, stage where the muscle lengthens while keeping its tension can directly bring about muscle hypertrophy, as well.
4. Weight train.
Weight training entails the use of equipment that allows variable resistance. Quite a few things must be done once you are trying to gain muscle. The focus of your workouts should be free weights exercises for maximum muscle gain. Not machines or bodyweight exercises. You have to stimulate as many muscle fibers as possible to get a successful, muscle-blasting workout, and machines do not do this.
5. Eat.
The key to gaining muscle mass is to eat, eat, and eat some more. To build maximum muscle mass you have to eat something every 2 hours during the day. In addition to the 1.5 grams of protein mentioned earlier, you should try to eat 25 calories per pound of bodyweight every day. Protein drinks are a great way to get extra protein and calories in your diet. You should aim to consume no less than 50 grams of protein and 1000 calories every morning for breakfast when bulking up.
6. Supplement properly.
Keep in mind that you should be getting most of your protein, calories, etc. from food, and the balance should be made up with supplements. There are many products out there: some are excellent and some just steal your money, so choose wisely.
7. Get all the right proportions.
In addition to protein, you must constantly make sure that you’re receiving the correct quantities of carbohydrates and fat. For a bulking diet the suggested proportion of carbohydrates, protein and fat is 50/35/15 respectively. This proportion is relevant to every diet in spite of the total caloric intake.
8. Eat fish.
Fish containing elevated quantities of fat – salmon, for example, give us the ever-popular omega-3 fatty acids. This is important since the omega-3s make the muscle more responsive to insulin; therefore, they increase glycogen storage and amino acid access to muscles while also protectingglutaminesupplies.
9. Increase sodium intake.
Sodium is an essential mineral requirement for muscle growth. Sodium has a bad rap since it promotes water retention – an abomination to contest ready bodybuilders. On the plus side, sodium augments carbohydrate storage andamino acidabsorption while also improving the muscles’ receptiveness to insulin.
10. Workout infrequently.
Since this entails less action, instead of more, it is the hardest idea for many to understand. Extra exercise does not result in additional muscle growth. Once you fuel muscle growth with weight training, the muscle needs to mend and new muscle must be built. This only occurs when you are resting.
Three things are necessary in order for muscles to develop:
- Stimulus – exercise is required to make the muscles work, use energy and bring about microscopic injuries to the fibers.
- Nutrition – the muscles have to refill their stores of fuel after forceful workouts.
- Rest – the muscles mend the microscopic injuries and develop during the rest or recovery phase.
One of the major muscle mass gain myths is low repetition/heavy weight workouts build muscle mass. Performing low repetition/heavy weight workouts will allow you to build muscle mass, but they will only do so for a very short period of time. In order for you to stop your body from becoming accustomed to the weight training you are performing, and in order to continue growing and getting stronger, you have to add plenty of diversity to your training.
You also have to be consistent. You can have the finest diet, the most excellent exercise agenda, join the top fitness center that has the best equipment, but with no consistency all of this is useless. Day in and day out, you have to pursue your set strategy, consistently, like clockwork. You must uncover the resolve and drive inside yourself to constantly put one foot in front of the other and see this through.
The above success strategies have permitted thousands of bodybuilders to alter their bodies and lives. If you are serious about making quick improvements, read these top 10 success strategies frequently until you know them backward. Make a conscious decision to change and truly move in that direction.