SPECIES Fiberlyze - we’ve done it again! Here’s a state-of-the-art fiber supplement that gives you 9 total grams of fiber from psyllium husk, hemp protein, and wheat bran. How’s that 9 grams break down? 8 grams of soluble fiber and 1 gram of insoluble fiber. What do each of these do? Soluble helps improve digestion and keep blood sugar under control. Insoluble helps ease constipation.
SPECIES Fiberlyze Supports Heart Health**
Diets that are low in saturated fat and cholesterol should include daily soluble fiber from psyllium husk because it may support heart health and help keep cholesterol under control. Of course, SPECIES Fiberlyze has it. We looked at some of the benefits of soluble fiber above, it may also help individuals achieve their weight loss goals due to its effect on blood sugar. You should always consult with your healthcare provider if you're considering the use of this product as part of a weight loss or wellness program.**
SPECIES Fiberlyze Clean Out Toxins**
Diets that include insoluble fiber such as wheat bran, which is, of course, found in Fiberlyze, may support normal bowel movements. It may also assist the body in removing toxins from the colon.**
How To Use SPECIES Fiberlyze
Mix 1 scoop of SPECIES Fiberlyze in 8-10 oz of water. You may have 2-3 servings spread over the day. Make sure you use at least 8 oz water. Are you a New User? Then start with 1/2 dose per day; moving up to 1 full dose 2-3 times per day.
SPECIES Fiberlyze - Tastes Amazing!
Fiberlyze isn't like those other fiber supplements you have to choke down. SPECIES Fiberlyze comes in delicious Fruit Punch and Mango flavors! Wait until you try it - try them both for an amazing taste sensation!
**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.