Common Bodybuilding Q&A

Man Legpresses

Common Bodybuilding Q&A – Here’s a number of common questions asked by bodybuilders of all levels. 

Question: How do I get great abs?


Here’s the answer to this bodybuilding Q&A. Getting great abdominal muscles is a combination of the following:

  1. A good diet consisting of 30-40% carbs, 40-50% protein, 10-20% good fats. A low carb diet is best for fat loss. You can cycle your carbs. Try eating more carbs on workout days. Also, allow a cheat day once a week. However, cheat in moderation.
  2. A high-quality weight-training schedule that has you in the gym for 45-60 minutes four to five times a week, with an abdominal program that is done at least 3 times a week.
  3. Adequate cardio built into the program to begin the fat-loss process and burn some extra calories.
  4. Consume no more than your bodyweight x 12 in calories per day.

Question: Each time I do crunches for my abs, I injure my neck. Is there any way to get rid of this problem?


This is a frequent complaint. There are some things you can do to make your neck more comfortable while performing crunches. The first thing you may want to try is placing your tongue on the roof of your mouth while crunching. You can also try resting your head briefly on the floor between reps to lessen the stress on your neck by allowing these muscles to relax temporarily. Finally, do not link your fingers and put them behind your head during crunching movements. This is almost certainly the number one cause of neck strain during ab work, for as you start to fatigue you will most likely begin to pull on your neck and head in order to do more reps. This can strain connective tissue and damage fragile neck muscles.

Common Bodybuilding Q&A – Question: Is it counterproductive to deadlift and squat on the same day?


This depends on the volume. If the number of sets is high, you run the risk of fatiguing the lower back muscles. If you feel your lower back is taking a bit of a pounding, you can do one set either of the deadlift or squat in each session. Here’s an easy solution. Do a 3-day split. On Day 1, do legs. Next, on Day 2, do pushing movements. Finally, on Day 3, do pulling movements. This is a flexible split that leaves you 4 full days for recovery. It also gives you a cushion. What if your Day 1 is Monday, and you can’t train? You can easily move your Day 1 to a different day.

Question: How can I strengthen my legs without hurting my back?


This is another common problem. Fortunately, you have a good feasible alternative open to you. Focus on your squat form. If your back hurts, your technique is wrong. Drop weight and learn how to do squats the right way. Further, wear a belt. Also, you can try a shrug bar – a bar with a hexagonal edge that you stand inside of to do the lifting. The benefit of this bar is that there is less need to bend forward in moving through each repetition. There is excellent leg clearance so the bar doesn’t hit the legs as you move up and down.

Question: What workout should I do for my thin legs?

Here’s the answer to a very common bodybuilding Q&A:


Do squats, and don’t be afraid to put some plates on the bar. Consume between 1 and 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight per day. You can also use l-glutamine after your workouts. This amino acid is very helpful in reducing cortisol levels.

Question: What are the best forearm exercises?


The top exercise for the forearm extensors is the seated reverse barbell wrist curl. Sit on a bench and hold a barbell with your forearms resting on your thighs and your hands extending beyond your knees in a palms down position. Use your forearm muscles to raise and lower the bar. The number one exercise for the forearm flexors is the behind the back barbell wrist curl. While standing, hold a barbell behind your back with your palm facing outward. Use your forearm muscles to curl the bar up and down.

Common Bodybuilding Q&A – Question: Is the front squat a good alternative to the regular squat?


In a word, no. Do regular squats. If for some medical reason you can’t, try Zercher squats, front squats, hack squats, and/or leg presses. But if you want big legs, do squats.

Common Bodybuilding Q&A – Question: Does alcohol prevent muscle gain?


The answer here is restraint. Modest use of alcohol has been shown to decrease the hazard of cardiovascular disease. Extreme alcohol intake can injure your liver and heart and impede your body’s capacity to mend and build muscle tissue. If you have an objective, you must center on what you have to do every day to attain it.

Question: Is there a distinction between the different types of Creatine that are presently available?


You can now find Creatine on the market in three forms: phosphate, citrate, and monohydrate. Since the body does not easily absorb the phosphate variety, it will not yield effective or significant results. The research is unclear on the citrate variety, though it appeared to be catching on for a while. Indeed, the majority of the positive scientific studies that have been done on Creatine have used the monohydrate form.

Common Bodybuilding Q&A – Question: How do I get started in amateur bodybuilding competitions?


Most amateur bodybuilding competitions only require an entry fee. A lot of the bigger competitions that give prize money etc. may require that you place in other contests to be qualified to enter. It all depends on who is sponsoring the event. Are you willing to travel? What locations are you looking to compete in? If you have never competed before it would be a good idea to go to other contests as an observer of how things are run and what you can expect at your first competition.


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