How do your calves look? How would you like crazy calves in 5 minutes? If you’re like most bodybuilders, you probably think they look small and underdeveloped. Unfortunately, there is no shortcut to building ripped, muscular calves. In fact, most people who have great calves only got them because of good genetics.
Crazy calves in 5 minutes? Find out how!
Does a lack of good genetics mean you have to settle for below-average calves? Of course not! It just means that you’ll have to put in extra work to build up those calves. Let’s take a look at what you need to know!
The “Secret” To Great Calves
You’re probably expecting some profound truth, right? Or explaining why this is the greatest calve training article ever. The reality is that there is no secret to building great calves. They’re pretty limited in the way you can train them. All calf exercises pretty much consist of the same motion. Raise the heels up, put the heels down.
Crazy Calves in 5 Minutes – High Reps – Good Or Bad?
There are a couple of different theories on the best way to work calves. One of these is that bodybuilders should use high reps. This is to pump their calves up. The logic behind this theory is simple. The calves are mostly slow twitch muscle fibers. Therefore, growth should not be expected. Instead, people should aim for endurance training. That would mean lots of repetitions with low weight.
On the opposite end of the spectrum is another line of thinking. This preaches less repetitions with heavier weight. This is a very valid theory. Think about it. People are used to walking around all day. Their calves get enough of an endurance workout. That’s why they should be worked with heavier weights. Both of these theories sound pretty good, right? Yet neither of them will help you reach maximum calve growth anytime soon
Crazy Calves In 5 Minutes – Quick Workouts, Quick Growth
Don’t focus on how many reps you are doing each set. I have a better concept to focus on. How quickly are you training your calves? Now this isn’t to say you should rush through reps. I don’t mean raise your heels as quickly as possible. Rather you should condense the total amount of reps. Think in terms of as little of a time frame as possible. In other words, don’t be taking marathon rest breaks in between each set of calves. Most calve training articles don’t prescribe examples of quick workouts. With that in mind, here is a routine for you.
The Crazy Calves In 5 Minutes Workout
- Find a machine to do seated calves on. Your target in the workout will be 100 reps.
- Use a weight that you would normally use for 25 reps on a seated calf machine.
- Perform the 25 repetitions, and continue until failure.
- After you can’t perform anymore reps, rest until the burning sensation in your calves goes away.
- As soon as the burning is gone, continue doing seated calves until failure once again. Don’t worry if you are only able to do 10 reps or less.
- Repeat in the same fashion until you are able to reach the target goal of 100 reps.
Crazy Calves In 5 Minutes….Really?
Five minute calve workouts might seem like a myth. That’s true for those of you who are in a hurry to develop lagging calves. You might even feel guilty after the workout is over. Why? Because you think you spent too little time on this exercise. After all, putting more time and work seems like the more sensible option.
You did the aforementioned workout exactly as described. With effort, you have reached 100 reps. There’s no doubt you’ll be feeling it the next day. In fact, you might even have a little trouble walking. This is due to aching calves. What if you don’t feel any pain in your calves the following day? You didn’t use enough weight. Or, you let too much time pass after the burning subsided.
Crazy Calves In 5 Minutes – Pain Tolerance
There are several different theories on how one can most effectively build calves. Yet this 5 minute workout definitely stands above the rest. Even those whose genes resist anything remotely related to calve growth can benefit from this workout. Of course, this growth will never come if you aren’t able to tolerate the pain. That’s one of the conditions of the crazy calves in 5 minutes workout.
And you will no doubt be going through some pain when performing this routine. It’s good pain though. So it is definitely going to take some desire on your part. You will need to properly perform this workout. But if you are able to make it through the crazy calves in 5 minutes workout, the rewards will be great!
You have found yourself completing the 100 rep challenge with little strain involved. It will take a long time to build up to this of course. Once you have, you should increase the amount of reps to 125. After you’re able to handle 125 reps with ease, plan on adding more weight. Remember to condense the reps into as little time as possible. Perform your reps quickly. You will be shocking your calves towards incredible growth. And, you will be minimizing your workout time!
By Jeremy Olson