Grocery Shopping List For A Bodybuilder


This article will look at a grocery shopping list for a bodybuilder. One aspect of bodybuilding that’s very important is the art of grocery shopping. Here’s how to make a specific, helpful, goal-oriented grocery list. After reading this article you should be able to decide with accuracy the precise foods you have to buy and eat. You will know the reasons you are paying for and consuming them.

Your Grocery Shopping List And Your Body Type

Body type is extremely important to think about when making a useful shopping list. That’s because when you appreciate how your body acts in response to certain macronutrients. You can choose certain foods and keep away from others. Are you an ectomorph and have trouble adding mass? It would be prudent to concentrate on consuming foods that have high good fat and protein content.

Meal Frequency

Eating 6-7 meals a day calls for a touch of ingenuity. Many bodybuilders find it easier to always eat before heading to the grocery store. Making a shopping list before heading to the grocery store is just as important as eating a small meal before going. Perhaps even more important. Finding out the nutritional facts of all the foods you plan to buy is vital. You also need to know how to break down the carbohydrate facts into something more meaningful.

The importance of building a shopping list goes even further. Having a list prevents you from wandering around looking and trying to decide what to buy. Wandering will put any nutritionally conscious person in danger.

Let’s face it; bodybuilding is not a cheap lifestyle. The first thing you need to do is come up with your budget. Spend your money and food first and then supplements. Buy quality whole foods, then buy your protein powder and pre-workout. If you have access to a wholesale club, you can save a ton of money by buying food in bulk. As far as supplements, save money and buy right here:

Your Grocery Shopping List – Good Nutrition Is Key

A good bodybuilding diet and nutrition are key components that will decide how successful you are in your bodybuilding program. Generally, people connect the word “diet” with days of hunger and pain. Yet a good bodybuilding diet need only follow three rules:

  1. It should favor smaller and frequent feedings throughout the day
  2. Every meal should have carbohydrates, protein and fat in the correct ratios. These are 40% carbs, 40% proteins, 20% good fats
  3. The calories should be cycled to prevent the metabolism from getting used to a certain caloric level

The Four Secrets To Building A Lean, Muscular Physique 

  1. Train hard
  2. Eat Right
  3. Supplement where necessary
  4. Repeat

Here is a straightforward list of do’s and don’ts. You can easily follow in your everyday life to make it easier to stick to your bodybuilding diet:

  1. Shop the outside aisles – that’s where you’ll find produce, bakery, dairy and meat – the most natural, unprocessed foods that are best for your health.
  2. Don’t shop hungry.
  3. Buy fresh, whole and organic whenever you can.

Your Grocery Shopping List – Macronutrients


  • Boneless, skinless chicken breast
  • Tuna
  • Fish filets
  • Shrimp
  • Extra-lean ground beef or ground round
  • Venison
  • Buffalo steaks
  • Ostrich
  • Protein powder
  • Egg whites or eggs
  • Fat-free cottage cheese
  • Natural peanut butter
  • Black and kidney beans
  • Rib-eye steaks or roast
  • Top round steaks or roast
  • Top sirloin
  • Beef tenderloin
  • Top loin
  • Flank steak
  • Eye of round
  • Ground turkey, turkey bacon, turkey breast slices or cutlets

Complex Carbs

  • Oatmeal
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Raisin bran
  • Whole-wheat bread
  • Brown Rice
  • Quinoa
  • Yams


  • Apples
  • Avocados
  • Bananas
  • Cantaloupe
  • Pears
  • Plums
  • Grapes
  • Kiwi fruit
  • Apricots
  • Nectarines
  • Peaches
  • Berries
  • Oranges
  • Grapefruit
  • Strawberries


  • Broccoli
  • Asparagus
  • Lettuce
  • Croutons
  • Onions
  • Potatoes
  • Tomatoes
  • Corn
  • Bell peppers
  • Baby carrots
  • Celery
  • Mushrooms
  • Cauliflower
  • String beans
  • Tofu

Translating Product Labels

Nearly everyone has at one time or another tried to interpret a label and recognized that they could as well be reading a foreign language. Everybody needs to understand how to examine labels because they affect each of us.

Label tips:

  1. Be alert, even when choosing seemingly simple items like orange and other fruit juices.
  2. If you have certain allergies, such as to nuts, gluten or aspartame, reading labels may be a life or death matter.
  3. The FDA requires manufacturers to list the ingredients in order of the highest amounts of a specific ingredient to the lowest.
  4. Beware of receiving false information: the FDA does not have the same regulations on food supplements as it has on regular food labels.

Look for the nutrition facts label on the food product. If you eat double the serving size, then you need to double the calories and other nutrient numbers, including the percent daily value. The daily values tell you if the nutrients in a serving of food contribute a lot or a little to the recommended daily intake. Continue down the label to calories and calories from fat. The nutrients on a label are in order from what we should limit. This includes fat, cholesterol and sodium. The label then goes to those nutrients we need to make sure we get enough of. This includes dietary fiber, Vitamins A & C, calcium and iron.

The nutrition facts panel has two parts. First, the main or top section. This contains product-specific information that varies with each food product. Next, the bottom part, which contains a footnote with general dietary information. Pay attention to the serving size, including how many servings there are in the food package. Also pay attention to sugar and total carbs, as well as protein. Sugar should be single-digit, protein should be double-digit.



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