Gynecomastia – Bitch Tits

Gynecomastia, also referred to as 'gyno' or bitch-tits, is exactly what the latter name implies; male breasts. More specifically, gyno causes males to have female like breasts. Many males are afflicted with this and it has been estimated that one in three under 40 have some degree of gynocomastia. This article will outline the causes of Gynecomastia and some potential treatments.

Possible causes of Gynecomastia


The onset of puberty causes a flood of hormones within the body. Often, this will result in the development of gyno. However, this is fairly normal and should not be too concerning as most people tend to 'outgrow' it. If it becomes a pressing issue a visit to the family doctor should result in a prescription that will most likely be effective in eliminating gyno.


Various medicines are known to cause gyno as a side effect. In most drugs this is an extremely rare side effect and shouldn't be an issue for most people. A complete listing of medicines that are known to have gynocomastia as a side effect is available here.

Medical Conditions

Various medical conditions have been found to cause gyno. Alcoholic cirrohsis, tumors on the testicles, and Clinefelter's syndrome all have been linked to cases of gyno.


Steroids will lower you testosterone products which in turn will make your estrogen levels higher compared to your testosterone levels. This change in hormones can cause Gynecomastia.

It is important to remember many people will confuse having excess fat with having gyno. Excess fat around the breast area may resemble gyno but it is not a true case of gyno. If the real problem is just an excessive amount of fat then regular exercise and dieting will get rid of the 'gyno'. This an important distinction as one is the result of fatty tissue building up and the other is the byproduct of one of the three things listed above. Distinguishing between the two is also important because real gyno will not be cured by exercise. Real cases of gyno may be treated with medication prescribed by a qualified medical professional. In any case if you feel you may have gyno it is important to consult a doctor. The odds are that it will be nothing serious (especially for those going through puberty), but it is best to be safe 'just in case'. If taking any medications consult a medical book or professional to look up the side effects.

Hopefully your questions and concerns regarding gyno are cleared up. Having some breast tissue may be embarrassing but the majority of the time it's nothing serious and there is little to worry about. Remember, it is always important to consul medical professional and daily physicals are an important part of maintaining ones health.

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