If any body part is not responding the first thing to do is look for what you can cut from your current program. Start by getting rid of overlap that engages the same musculature on separate days. The next step is to cut down your training volume regarding direct work for the bothersome body part and rely more on secondary stimulation. If after you’ve applied these ideas you still have a truly obstinate muscle group, then you need to move into a specialized routine for that group.
We spend several hours a week at the gym because we all dream of having the perfect body. The good news is every one of us can get a great physique if we set to work on reducing or getting rid of the imperfections that detract from the potential quality of our bodies.
One of the most frequent reasons for a body part not developing is poor selection of exercise. You won’t necessarily develop if you base your routine on workouts you see the big guys doing.
When One Side of a Muscle Group is Smaller Than the Other
There is nothing odd about having one side smaller or less developed than the other. The following methods will assist you to balance out those lagging body parts permanently.
1. “One and two and one” reps. Add to the exercise volume for the smaller muscle with this dumbbell method. Start with one rep with the arm of the smaller part. Now do a single rep with both arms at the same time. Immediately do another rep with the smaller side arm again. Your smaller body part will end up getting 50% more work than the larger side.
2. “One and two and one” sets. Do one set of an exercise for just the smaller side, rest, and then do a set that works both sides. Then do a set for the smaller side again. To permit single-limb movements, use dumbbells rather than barbells.
Developing the Chest
Perhaps the most extensively adored feature of the human body is the chest. This may be because it is one of the most easily noticed areas when developed. The pectoralis major and the pectoralis minor are the two muscles that make up the chest. Most of workouts for these muscles are mass builders, because the front delts and triceps always assist them. Here are two chest workouts, which you can rotate weekly so your muscles won’t adapt too quickly and thus slow down growth.
Workout 1
Flat bench press: 12, 10, 8, 6
Flat dumbbell press: 12, 10, 8
Incline dumbbell flyes: 12, 10, 8
Decline dumbbell press: 12, 10, 8
Workout 2
Incline bench press: 12, 10, 8, 6
Incline dumbbell press: 12, 10, 8
Flat flyes: 12, 10, 8
Cable crossovers: 12, 10, 8
The Back
Is having a muscular back one of your goals? Except for legs, the back is almost certainly the most ignored body part when it comes to training. Here are some back workouts:
Pull-ups: 5 sets of 12 reps.
Barbell Rows: 4 sets of 5-10 reps.
Dead Lifts: 3 sets of 4-8 reps.
Lat Pull-downs: 3 sets of 5-10 reps.
The back contains dozens of muscles and there is no way to truly isolate any particular one, nor is there any specific set of exercises that will add thickness over width or vice versa. A back workout most often targets the Latissimus Dorsi, or lats, a large, fan-like muscle that covers the rest of the back muscles.
The Forearms
Many rationalize devoting little or no attention to the forearms by thinking that all those bicep curls and lat pulls will improve grip strength and beef up the forearms. Except you’re using straps, your grip strength will get better, but you definitely won’t get vein popping forearms if you don’t put some serious, specific effort into them. Train forearms jointly with biceps, and to save energy and permit recovery, avoid training your back the day before or after your bicep/forearm workout.
Want to ditch the love handles and let that six-pack you’ve been pounding with millions of crunches finally see daylight? Here are the steps:
- You need to lose fat to shape up your midsection. Use a notebook or PDA to jot down everything you eat for a week. Then add up the calories and divide by seven. If your weight is still the same, then the number you come up with should be pretty close to your daily caloric need. In order to gain weight, eat more than this number and vice versa.
- Clean up your diet. In many cases, just cutting out junk food will do.
How to do Daily Specialization
As the name implies, daily specialization is done on a daily basis. You can use any exercise that works your lagging body part. Your choices are wider if you have weights at home, but body weight workouts are most helpful. So, for example, if you’re doing push-ups, very soon after you wake up, do as many as you can. Then do another set of push-ups to failure at night before you go to bed. If your regular workouts for that body part are on your schedule for that day, do them. Daily specialization is totally outside your usual exercise program. You must do it consistently, twice a day, to provide a constant training stimulus to your lagging body part.