Pre-Workout Wars!

Condemend Labz Convict New Formula

With this article, Pre-Workout Wars, I’m introducing a new Series. This Series will compare several of the ingredients of popular pre-workouts. In this first installment, I’m looking at 4 popular and potent Pre’s. Let’s jump right in and check them out!

Pre-Workouts Are One Of The Hottest Supplements You Can Buy!

Without question, pre-workouts are among the most popular of any supplement. It’s not hard to understand why. A good pre-workout can make a big difference in the quality of your training sessions. With that said, the days of just one pre-workout option by the same company are long gone. Most supplement companies now offer a line of pre-workouts, all designed to fit the different needs of different lifters. With that in mind, here’s Pre-Workout Wars, the first side by side comparison of this exciting new Series!

Pre-Workout Wars – Check Out These Pre-Workouts!

Alpha Lion SuperHuman Extreme

Alpha Lion is without doubt one of the top supplement companies. Here’s Alpha Lion’s top pre-workout, SuperHuman Extreme. It is a well-balanced 4-Matrix formula that includes citrulline, S7, beta-alanine, and quite a potent stim Matrix with extended-release caffeine. That’s not all of course, so I suggest taking the time to check out this company.

Gorilla Mind Gorilla Mode

Gorilla Mind is the newest company on this list, and one of the newest in the game. Speaking of “the game”, here’s the pre-workout that changed everything! This brand burst out of the gate with an unheard of dose of citrulline, and their dosing is high across the board. It’s easily one of the best pre-workouts on the market, bar none.

Axe & Sledge Hydraulic V2

This is the only stim-free pre-workout in this comparison, but it’s important to have one. That’s because not everybody can tolerate caffeine. Not to mention, in some cases a lifter may work out too late in the day for stims. Also, it’s a great pump-based pre that you can stack with your regular pre. This is a solid formula, but I suggest 2 scoops for max dosages.

Condemned Labz Convict

This is primarily a stim-lover’s dream. While it does have citrulline, tyrosine, and beta alanine, it’s all about the stims with this one. With that said, I would suggest stacking this with Hydraulic V2, or your own favorite stim-free pump-based pre-workout. 

Pre-Workout Wars – Key Ingredient Comparisons

Citrulline Comparison

Citrulline has always been popular and effective but with the introduction of Gorilla Mode, dosages ramped up. Let’s see how these 4 pre-workouts compare.


SuperHuman Extreme Gorilla Mode Hydraulic V2 Convict
4 grams 10 grams 4 grams 6 grams


How Much Caffeine?

Not every Pre contains stims, but those that do need to be effectively dosed. Let’s check out these 4 pre-workouts. It should be noted that, in some cases, caffeine is not the only stim. 


SuperHuman Extreme Gorilla Mode Hydraulic V2 Convict
370 mg 400 mg n/a 350 mg


Tyrosine For Focus

What’s a pre-workout without focus enhancers? Tyrosine is time-tested, so let’s see how much each one has. As above, tyrosine should not be the only focus ingredient.


SuperHuman Extreme Gorilla Mode Hydraulic V2 Convict
1 gram 5 grams 500 mg 1 gram


What About Beta Alanine?

Here’s a popular ingredient that blocks fatigue so you can knock out more reps. Let’s see how these Pre’s stack up. It should be noted that Gorilla Mind does not advocate beta alanine. Instead, there is a whopping 4,000 mg of betaine in Gorilla Mode, and this is one of the few pre-workouts that also contains creatine monohydrate, dosed at 5 grams. 


SuperHuman Extreme Gorilla Mode Hydraulic V2 Convict
3.2 grams n/a 1600 mg 3.2 grams


Servings Comparison

It’s not only about ingredients, it’s also about value. It should be noted that Gorilla Mode offers 1 or 2 scoop servings. I’m using the max 2 scoop dose in this article. 


SuperHuman Extreme Gorilla Mode Hydraulic V2 Convict
21 20 40 25

Full Disclosure Labeling

Thanks to Nutrabio, full disclosure labeling has pretty much taken over the industry. Prior to their commitment to fully transparent labels, many supplement companies relied on prop blends. I won’t use a product if it’s all prop blends. You have no idea what you’re getting because there’s no individual doses listed. You can make an educated guess, but what good is that, especially when most prop blends tend to hide underdosing (sometimes extreme underdosing) in their blends. 

So Who Wins The Pre-Workout Wars – This Time?

Without a doubt, Gorilla Mind Gorilla Mode is the clear winner of this first installment of Pre-Workout Wars! This product is light years beyond anything listed here. Some brands have responded and tried to amp up their doses, but it says a lot that a new brand had to come in and redefine the category, putting every other company ( and in some cases, a few long-standing companies) on notice. 

In Summary

That’s it for this first installment of Pre-Workout Wars! Going forward, I will continue this Series with a new round of challengers to the King – Gorilla Mode. In the meantime, stop by and stock up today!


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