Scientific Principles For Effective Gains

Man Curls Dumbell

Why not use scientific principles for effective gains? There’s no reason not to follow an educated approach to building muscle. You always hear the phrase “lift big to get big”. That’s great, but it tells you nothing.

Really – how does that explain what exercises you should use? Or the number of reps and sets you should do? What about rep performance?

Below you will find scientific principles for effective gains that have always been around.

Scientific Principles For Effective Gains – Limited Energy Level

A strength-training program should be short and simple. You only have a limited amount of energy per training session.

Scientific studies reveal that blood sugar levels (energy) start to deplete after 30 mins. That means your exercise selection and the time taken to perform them is crucial.

Here’s what you should be aiming for. Stimulate as many muscle fibers in the shortest amount of time.

Your blood sugar levels deplete after high intensity training (usually between 20 – 30 minutes). Remember that you need energy to recuperate after the workout.

The trick is to give yourself a high intensity workout before your blood sugar level depletes. Then you will have given your body the exercise that it requires to gain the maximum amount of muscle possible.

Progressive Overload

Progressive Overload is the main scientific principle for effective gains you need to be aware of. Use this principle and get the results that you’re after with your training.

The two most important points are:

  • Complete your exercise with perfect technique
  • Push to total failure when doing a set. Overload the weight on the bar progressively. (Overload your targeted muscles to beyond what there used to)

Basically, here’s what this means. When the body is stressed by high intensity training beyond its normal demands, it will adapt to these new demands of improved strength.

When I say “normal demands,” I mean what level of stress/strength your body is used to now.

An example: The set that you performed last week using the same technique and weight, your body will now have adapted to. If you stay at this level your muscles will not become stronger or bigger. This is where the Progressive Overload plays a major part.

Once your muscles have adapted to a particular weight then it’ll be time to overload them further (add more weight, speed, repetitions). You’ll need to keep on repeating this process of overload if you want to become stronger.

Remember to always use GOOD TECHNIQUE. Technique must never be sacrificed for extra load.

Scientific Principles For Effective Gains – Training Frequency

Here’s a sad reality. The popular high volume type of training that you find in bodybuilding books and magazines is irrelevant. The majority of the population can’t use it. Plus, it has a shocking failure rate.

What is good for Joe Star is probably not good for you. Everybody has different genetics. Most of us have poor genetics and are not taking steroids like the stars.

The only way the majority of us can make any gains at all is to perform short intense workouts. This should be followed by long periods of rest so that we don’t overtrain.


Many studies have been conducted around the world. As a matter of fact, they have shown that recuperation from strength training requires far more rest time than previously thought.

Scientific principles for effective gains include infrequent, short, high intensity weight training sessions. These are followed by the required amount of time to recover and become stronger. This is necessary for you to increase your functional muscle.

Here’s what you need to do. Allow your body enough recuperation time for over compensation to take place. This is how the muscles can adjust to new strength and growth.

Scientific Principles For Effective Gains – Exercise selection for intensity

I can’t stress enough of how exercise selection is absolutely crucial. There are only a few exercises that you really need to perform. These exercises consist of multi-joint movements.

These particular exercises are far superior to that of isolation exercises (working 1 muscle group at a time). That’s because you are required to use more muscles from every muscle group.

By using these exercises you will work your whole body hard.


Over my 20 years in the industry, I’ve noticed that this area is by far the most neglected by mainstream health and fitness professionals.

Most books or courses concentrate on the physical side of muscle gain or fat loss and completely neglect the mental side of things.

Training your mental state and your physical body. That’s how you can even further progress in muscle growth.

Written By: Gary Matthews
Author of several ebooks, including:
“Maximum Weight Loss in Ten Weeks”
“Maximum Weight Gain in Ten Weeks”

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