Sodium Citrate Increases Exercise Capacity

Sodium Citrate Increases Exercise Capacity!

Overcoming fatigue is one way to improve your bodybuilding gains. During intense exercise, ATP production is the result of the rapid breakdown of glucose or glycogen. Scientists refer to this as anaerobic glycolysis. Such rapid degradation of glucose causes the formation of lactic acid. This drop in pH is due to lactic-acid accumulation. It is one factor out of many that may cause fatigue. Sodium citrate might delay the onset of fatigue by acting as a buffer to lactic acid.

The Effect Of Alkalosis

In humans, the effect of alkalosis has been examined with regard to exercise performance. Alkalosis makes your blood or muscle tissue less acidic. The use of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda, or NaHCO3) as an alkalinizing agent has shown either no effect or an improvement in exercise capacity. Generally, the types of sports in which alkalinizing agents will help the most anaerobic. This includes sprinting or weightlifting.

Sodium Citrate Studies

Sodium citrate is another alkalinizing agent that has only recently been studied with regard to its ergogenic effects. In one study, eight subjects performed intense cycling exercise at 120% of their V02 peak (sprint cycling). They orally ingested a placebo or sodium citrate.  The amount used was 0.5 gram per 2.2 pounds of body weight. That’s about 45 grams for a 200-pound person. Time to exhaustion increased by 15% in the group that received sodium citrate.

The improvement in performance after ingesting sodium citrate is similar to that reported in studies using sodium bicarbonate. Many scientists believe that alkalinizing agents are best used for short events. For example, exercises that last 1-7 minutes. Now certainly, no single bodybuilding exercise lasts precisely one minute. Thus suggests high-volume training, supersets or circuit training. In these, you move from one exercise to another with little rest. Part of the ensuing fatigue is due to the buildup of lactic acid.

Block Acid Buildup!

Using sodium citrate or bicarbonate could offset some of the increased acidity. This improves exercise performance. Oddly, this ergogenic aid isn’t widely used by those who pump iron. The required dose of at least half a gram for every 2 pounds in body weight may seem high. Then again, bodybuilders don’t shy away from supplements just because the doses are enough to choke a horse.

Sodium citrate improves exercise performance during high-intensity work. Apply this to your gym training. This substance may help you work harder and longer without the detrimental effects of fatigue. And this could translate into an increase in muscle protein synthesis. Not to mention, a more muscular physique.


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