The No Equipment Workout

While most serious bodybuilders and weightlifters don’t make excuses to not get to the gym, occasionally you may find yourself in a position that requires you to work out at home, in a hotel room or even possibly in the office. Normally, when a dedicated lifter misses a workout, he’s going to get tense and even a little grouchy. For those of you who find yourselves in that position with no equipment, we’ve taken the time to put together a few routines that will keep you sane until you can get back to the weight room.

While there are effective workouts that you can do with minimal equipment, it’s a good idea to keep a few pieces that travel well like resistance bands and potentially water dumbbells handy. If you absolutely find yourself in a bind and there is no equipment insight, give us about 20 minutes and we’ll show you how to make do. In addition, if you’re currently working out on a three-day split, the exercises here can be used to add a fourth training day while taking up a very small block of time.

While working out with no equipment is an option for bodybuilders, experts suggest that this should be a short-term solution or an addition to your regular workout. It’s difficult to control the intensity as you can’t increase the weight load on the muscles and the back and biceps will be difficult.

This particular workout is designed with no equipment and should take you approximately 20 minutes to complete.

The suggested exercises are:

Abdominal Crunch
Torso Raise
Concentration Curl
Push Up
Inverted Push Up
Lunge(each side)
Close Grip Push Up
Move from each exercise without resting in between.
Rest for a few minutes in between circuits
Try to get at least three circuits in within the 20 minute time period.

Correct techniques for exercises

Abdominal Crunch
Lie down on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hands behind your head, curl your torso as you bring your shoulder blades up a few inches off the ground. Squeeze your abdominal muscles and then slowly return to the starting position. Do these quickly with no more than a second in the down position.
Torso Raise
Lie on your stomach on the floor and place your hands loosely behind your neck. Slowly raise your chest is a few inches off the floor. Hold the top position for a two-second count, return and repeat.
Concentration Curl
Standing, grasp your left wrist with your right hand. Apply pressure with the hand as you slowly curl your left arm. Complete all reps for one side before switching arms.
Push Up
Lie face down, with your hands a little wider than your shoulders, toes on the floor, feet and legs together. Raise until the arms are extended. Lower yourself until your chest just touches the floor, repeat.
Inverted Push Up
With your feet on a chair and your hands out in front of you at shoulder-width, move your hands backward until your body is bent almost 90 degrees and your head is facing the floor. Press up until your arms are straight–you should resemble an inverted V and then slowly lower your head toward the floor until your arms are almost bent 90 degrees, repeat.
Pace your hands on your hips, feet shoulder-width apart, head up and torso straight. Move your right leg straight out to your side, as deep as you can go without moving your left foot. Plant your right foot and bend your right knee to 90 degrees. Flexing the muscles of your thigh, push yourself back up to a standing position and repeat the movement with your left leg.
Put your hands on your hips or fold them over your chest. From a standing position, feet about shoulder-width apart, squat down until both knees reach 90 degrees. At the bottom, flex through your quads, hamstrings and glutes to return to a standing position. Repeat.
Close Grip Push Up
In a regular push up stance, bring your hands closer so that your thumbs and index fingers form a triangle beneath your chest. As you descend, your elbows will point out. When your chest comes in light contact with your hands, slowly return to the starting position and repeat.

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