Training For Muscle Mass?
There’s any number of training systems available online. The list of techniques is endless. What do all these have in common? They all claim to be the best as far as training for muscle mass. Everyone tends to respond a little differently to training. Yet, if there is one secret that gets overlooked, it’s the secret of progressive overload.
All Those Fancy Systems Aren’t The Way To Get Big?
Training for muscle mass comes down to some simple principles. Want to get big? Then work the basics and progressively add plates to the bar. It really is that simple. Why is this concept overlooked? It lacks flash. Certainly, the XYZ Blitzkrieg Bomb System with multi-angle clustered-up quad sets is the way to go, right? No.
How Does Progressive Overload Work?
Training for muscle mass is about exercise that stresses multiple muscle groups. It’s about being able to lift more than last time. That’s why squats will always be better than leg extensions for growth. A squat involves a number of muscle groups. You can use a lot more weight. You can add weight consistently. A leg extension is limited. It’s not long before you’ll max out on your poundage. What exercise sounds more effective?
Training For Muscle Mass – Principles
Of course, there’s principles involved. First, you want to work your main sets hard. You also want to do 6-8 reps a set. So, that might mean 3-5 sets of squats with the heaviest weight you can handle for 6-8 reps.
Now, if you stop at 8 but could have done 12, you need to train harder. You’ll want to push your sets. Your reps should be under control. Emphasis the negative portion of the rep by taking 4-6 seconds to go down. Power it back up under control. As far as sets, 5-8 for large muscles, 4-6 for small ones. So, 8 sets for the chest, 4 sets for biceps. Not enough? Train harder.
Add Rest Pause
What’s one of the best things you can do to get the most out of training for muscle mass? Add rest pause. This means you push to 6-8 reps. Rack it, count to 10, push out 2-3 more. Do that one more time.
What About Frequency?
Use a 3 day split routine. This is the famous push/pull/legs split. Allow at least one day of recovery between workouts. Remember, it’s all about recovery. You won’t grow if you train yourself into the ground.
So, as far as training for mass, we’ve got a 3 day split. We have our sets and reps. We know that adding weight to the bar is critical. How often? No more than every other week. If you can, add something every workout.
Training For Muscle Mass & Hitting The Ceiling
Now, you’ve maxed out on being able to add weight. You’ll say to me: “what now, hotshot?” Now’s the time to add other techniques. This can include rest-pause variations. It can include drop sets, super sets, and tri sets. It means you can train faster. In other words, you’ll measure progression by using any combination of techniques you want.
How Does Training For Muscle Mass This Way Look?
So you’ve maxed out your poundage’s. You’ve moved on to advanced training. Don’t forget to push at least one heavy set per muscle group to keep your strength up. You’ll use a basic exercise. From there, as noted above, experiment. Find the exercises you like the most. Find the techniques you like the most.
So we’ve seen how important progressive overload is. One thing to also remember is to not forget about calories and macronutrients. Lots of protein! One gram per pound of bodyweight, at least. Don’t forget your pre-workout and other supplements! While you’re here, check out our deals. You can shop right now for everything you need!