Vitamin D & Weight Loss

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Vitamin D is easily one of the most well-known vitamins. That’s because it’s been in the news many times over the years. In this article, we’ll look at what vitamin D is and what it does. Specifically, we will take a close look at emerging research regarding vitamin D & weight loss. 

What Is Vitamin D?

First, let’s define what vitamin D is. It’s a fat-soluble vitamin. D stays in the body longer than, say, vitamin C, which is water-soluble and flushed out quickly. It’s true you can get your D from food and supplements. Yet it’s known as the “Sunshine Vitamin” for a reason: you get vitamin D from direct exposure to the sun. Despite its easy availability, some 50% of the world’s population is deficient. (1, 2)


The Benefits Of Vitamin D

Here’s a look at some of the many benefits of vitamin D. (3)


  • Supports Bone Health
  • Promotes Healthy Teeth
  • Improves Calcium Absorption
  • Enhances Cognitive Function
  • Supports Testosterone Production


Vitamin D And Weight Loss

How does D affect weight loss? First, deficiency can lead to unwanted belly fat in both men and women. In fact, research suggests that overweight individuals have low vitamin D levels. In addition, vitamin D supports the metabolism of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. This benefit will positively affect your metabolic rate during the day, so you burn more calories, leading to more weight loss. 


Vitamin D also promotes hormonal balance in the body. This includes estrogen, the parathyroid glands, and the pituitary glands. By helping to keep estrogen in balance, men especially can avoid the negative effects of excess estrogen, one of which is fat gain and bloating. (2, 4)


Vitamin D & Weight Loss: The Thyroid

The thyroid is often called the “master of metabolism”. That’s because it’s primarily responsible for controlling your metabolic rate. Recent studies have suggested that individuals that are deficient in Vitamin D will suffer from thyroid disorders. This, in turn, can negatively impact your metabolic rate. What this means is that sufficient levels of vitamin D are required to promote an optimal metabolism.


It goes without saying that to lose unwanted weight, your thyroid needs to function optimally. Ensuring you have sufficient levels of vitamin D is one way to do that. In addition, losing excess body fat is the result of a complete program of clean, healthy eating with an emphasis on cutting sugar and excess total carbohydrates, plus increasing cardio activity and maintaining a resistance-based exercise program. This is not new to anyone that seriously works out. For those new to weight loss, this is the best way to approach it. (5, 6)


In Conclusion

If weight loss is your goal, you need to make sure you’re not deficient in vitamin D. That means you need to get out in the sun and stop by for all your vitamin D and supplement needs. Stock up while you’re here!


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  1. Vitamin D – Health Professional Fact Sheet (
  2. Can Vitamin D Help You Lose Weight? (
  3. Vitamin D: Benefits, deficiency, sources, and dosage (
  4. Vitamin D and Hormonal Imbalances | Healthfully
  5. Thyroid Hormone: What It Is & Function (
  6. Vitamin D Deficiency and Thyroid Disease (


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