Weight training for football players during the season should be swift and to the point. An example of a routine would look like this:
Day 1)
Power-cleans – 5 sets of 5
Squats – 5 sets of 8
Stiff leg deadlifts – 3 sets of 8
Standing calf raises – 4 sets of 12
Day 2)
Power snatches – 5 sets of 3
Push presses – 5 sets of 5
Flat bench presses – 5 sets of 8
Dips – 3 sets with bodyweight
Day 3)
High-pulls – 4 sets of 5
Front squats – 4 sets of 5
Pull-ups – 4 sets with bodyweight
Barbell curls – 5 sets of 8
The Georgetown College Tigers use a large amount of time and effort getting into the best possible physical condition. Players participate in concentrated one-hour weight training sessions four days a week during the off-season. The players must pass physical tests at the start of the season, and trainers closely supervise the weight training sessions.
Two things can occur if a player doesn’t work out with weights – nothing or something bad. Throughout the boiling days of summer, in fact, weight rooms around the country hum with motion as football trainers attempt to get their players prepared for the imminent season. Weight training is no longer an extravagance that coaches can live without.
Weight training among athletes is becoming increasingly popular – and not just in muscle sports like football or even hockey. Sprinters, triathletes, swimmers, etc. are all appreciating the benefits of regular weight training. These benefits comprise improved strength, enhanced muscular growth, reduced injuries, and a boost in confidence, among others. You can certainly benefit from weights if you’ve never used them as part of your training program.
Football players at each level come in all shapes and sizes. A beginning player should start with a lifting program that uses his own body weight before moving to lifting actual weights. Younger players, who can master the lifts using their own body weight and start using weight training to increase mass and strength should work on skill and repetitions and not become caught up in trying to lift maximum weight.
Keep in mind that you should only do weight training under a coach’s supervision during the football season. The bulk of your training time in the season will be devoted to actual football practice and skills. You develop general properties such as strength, aerobic base, and agility much more in the off-season.
Don’t let lack of stylish equipment at your school get you down. All that’s really needed is a barbell and someone to lift it. Here’s a basic program you can start off with for back, grip and hip strength:
Dead lift (no squat rack)
Dumbbell shoulder press
Farmers’ walk
Joining a gym in your area can have a lot of benefits, but can also be a big expense. Choosing a gym that has a wide variety of exercise equipment is important. Here’s what to look for:
- Make sure it’s well-located, close to school and/or home
- Ask for a free or guest pass to test the facility
- Inquire about the qualifications of the staff
- Inspect the cleanliness of the exercise areas as well as the locker rooms and bathrooms.
- Talk to other members and see how they like it
Football is one of the most grueling sports; it calls for swiftness and strength, in addition to intelligence. Regardless of position, every player on the football team should carry out these core lifts:
- Power cleans
- Squats
- Bench presses
- Military presses
- Dead lifts
- Barbell rows
You have to train like the professionals if you want to perform like them. There are thousands of ways to prepare for football, which is classed as a collision, and not a contact sport. The higher the level the more seriously training is taken. Training for football can be as draining as the competition. Quite a few levels of training, all essential to the success of the athlete, need to be addressed.
Weight training for pint-sized football players was once a very controversial subject. The American Academy of Pediatrics has cautioned that children and young people should keep away from concentrated weight lifting, power lifting, and bodybuilding until they are about 15 years of age. However, children can receive good benefits from a weight-training program done under supervision.
So you want to make the team? The good news is you can. So how does a beginner start? It’s essential at the outset to know that football is a game of a lot of crucial features and required skills: speed, suppleness, stability, strength, at times size, belligerence, the readiness to hit along with the ability to put up with being hit, and not least important, major expertise and specific techniques, in addition to the more indefinable quality, a feel for the game.
The single most important trait is speed. Reaction time, vertical jumping ability, and upper body strength are other significant factors. In a collision sport like football, all things being equal, a larger player usually has an advantage over a slighter one, but in the real world, particularly at the high school level, bigger is not always better. Regardless of position, speed in general, and specifically the capacity to accelerate quickly, is without a doubt the single most important physical factor.
The sport is developing and players are getting faster, particularly at the skill positions. The forty may not be the greatest marker of athletic aptitude, but it definitely looks impressive to the desired audience and is usually a better indicator than bench press numbers. Why, then, do so many football players train like bodybuilders year round? If you’re serious about becoming a better football player, you have to place function over form, and your weight training should be targeted at producing results on the football field.