Winter Plan For Mass!

Winter Plan For Mass!

Guess what? Winter is here! That means it’s time to add some muscle, right? But wait, you need a plan, such as our Winter Plan For Mass! I’ve got it right here, and it includes your routine, your nutritional program, and your supplement program. If you’re serious about gaining some size, I’m ready. Let’s get right to it!

We’re Using A 3-Day Split

A 3-day split divides your body into 3 logical parts: legs, pushing muscles and pulling muscles. It’s my favorite split combination. A major reason is that it gives you 4 full days for recovery and plenty of time to deal with changes in your schedule. If you’re like me, you need the flexibility. 

The Winter Plan For Mass Routine 

This routine gives you 4 rest days, with a rest day before and after leg day. That’s because leg day will be intense, and you’ll need the recovery time. This routine also gives you extreme flexibility. With 4 rest days, you can always adjust your schedule as needed. 

Winter Plan For Mass Day 1: Legs


Warm up over 3 sets:

  • Bar x 15 reps
  • 20% RM x 10 reps
  • 40% RM x 8 reps

5 working sets x 8-10 reps – Use rest-pause if need be.


Leg Press (only as an alternative to Squats)

Same as Squats


Seated Leg Curl Machine 

3 working sets x 8-10 reps


Standing Calf Raises 

2 working sets x 15 reps


Seated Calf Raises 

2 working set x 15 reps



3 working sets x 15 reps

Day 2: Off

Winter Plan For Mass Day 3: Chest, Shoulders,  Triceps

Barbell Bench Press

Warm up over 3 sets:

  • Bar x 15 reps
  • 20% RM x 10 reps
  • 40% RM x 8 reps

4 working sets x 6-8 reps. Use rest-pause if needed.


Barbell Incline Press

2 working sets x 6-8 reps. 


Incline Dumbbell Flyes

2 working sets x 6-8 reps


Smith Machine Overhead Press  

3 working sets x 10-12 reps


Side Laterals/RearBent Over Laterals  

2 working sets x 8 reps – Do this as a superset. Perform 8 reps of each movement. 


Close Grip Bench Press

2 working sets x 6-8 reps


EZ Bar Extensions/Alternate every other week with Tricep Pressdowns

2 working sets x 6-8 reps



2 working sets x 15 reps

Day 4: Off

Winter Plan For Mass Day 5: Back, Traps, Biceps


Same as bench press


Power Rows

2 working sets x 6-8 reps


Lat Pull-downs 

2 working sets x 6-8 reps


Haney Shrugs

3 working sets x 8 reps. Hold and squeeze at the top. 


EZ/Drag Curls

2 working sets x 6-8 reps. Once you begin to fail on regular curls switch over to Drags for as many reps as you can do.


Plate Curls (Hold the end of a dumbbell by the plate and do your curls)

2 working sets x 6-8 reps


Crush Curls (Grab the ends of the dumbbell and do your curls. You’ll want to use a pre weighted hex dumbbell for this)

2 working sets x 8-10 reps


Wrist Curls

2 working sets x 12 reps


Hanging Leg Raise

2 working sets x 10 reps



2 working sets x 15 reps

Day 6: Off

Day 7: Off

Winter Plan For Mass Gaining Routine: Performance Notes

Concentrate On Your Form

Lift the weight under control using a full range of motion.  and Do not be one of those lifters that pounds out their reps and then stops at a predetermined number, even though they can easily do more. Choose a weight that’s heavy enough to make it challenging, then take 2-3 seconds to lift the weight and 4-6 seconds to return to the start position. On the last rep of each working set, pause in the fully stretched position for a 3 count. I personally take each working set to failure. I would also suggest using rest-opase to complete your reps, if needed. 

Rest 60 Seconds Between Sets

Add 10% more weight every other week or when your goal reps feel easy. If you can’t add weight, try adding 1-2 more reps. Remember, keep your workouts progressive. 

What About Advanced Lifters That Have Reached Their Strength Limit? 

Have you reached your strength ceiling? Then you have to increase your intensity instead. Here are some ideas:


  • Increase Your Reps – Go for 1-2 more reps.
  • Reduce Rest Between Sets – Are you resting 60-120 seconds between sets? Try resting 30 seconds instead.  
  • Add Static Holds – At the end of each rep hold the bar in place for a 4-count. For example, let’s say you’ve done a set of bench presses. Hold it just shy of the locked-out position for a 4-count and then rack it. 
  • Add Partials – At the end of a set when you’ve hit failure, try knocking out partials reps. 
  • Use Rest-Pause – If you struggle with your set, you can use rest-pause to get the reps out. 


In addition, as noted, there is plenty of room to move your workout days as needed. Not to mention, you can move your rest days if you want to. Having said that, legs and back are tough workout days because you’re doing both squats and deadlifts. That’s why you should keep a rest day before and after leg day.

What Your Macronutrient Profile Should Look Like

Mass is the goal, so the first order of business is to determine your daily calories. Multiply your body weight by 18. As an example, let’s assume you weigh 180 lbs. Therefore, 180 x 18 = 3240 calories per day. That is your calorie starting point. Of course you can use an app instead, but this is an easy, fast way to do it. 


Ok, so the next step is to eat 3240 calories per day for 2 weeks. If by the end of the 2 week period you aren’t gaining, increase your calories by 500 every day, always for 2 weeks until you start to gain. Be patient, everyone has a different metabolism, and you might need a lot of calories to gain. On the other hand, if you find you’re gaining fat, reduce your daily calories by 500. You can also add 30 minutes of cardio 2-3 days a week, if desired.

Macronutrient Ratio

As far as your macronutrient ratio, think 40-40-20. That’s 40% lean protein sources, 40% quality carbohydrate sources, and 20% healthy fats. To clarify one thing, your carbs should largely consist of complex, slow burning carbs. The only simple, sugary carbs you should eat should be in the hours surrounding your workout. 

The Calculation

Using our example of 3,240 calories, here’s the calculation: 324 grams of protein per day (3240 calories x 40% = 1296 calories divided by 4 grams = 324). From there, it’s 324 grams of carbs per day, and 72 grams of healthy fats.  

Don’t Forget Your Supplements!

When it comes to supplements, timing is everything. Here’s a list of the supplements you should consider for serious gains.

Protein Powder

It all begins with protein, and you should start your day with a small protein shake. Make sure you’re using 2-3 shakes per day to help you meet your protein requirements as needed. One of those shakes should always be a post-workout shake consisting of protein and fast-digesting carbs. Don’t wait, drink this as soon as possible after your session.


Of course, this is a mandatory supplement if you want to have a great workout. Whether you go with a stim-based pre or a stim-free version, you will definitely see the difference.


This is the most time-tested supplement on the market and another “must-have” for mass gains as well as water-based pumps. 


If you want to talk about water-based pumps and outrageous endurance, this is the ingredient for you. For me, this is easily one of the most effective supplements I have ever used. I highly recommend it. 


A multivitamin/mineral ensures your basic health needs are covered. No, it isn’t flashy but nothing will derail your progress faster than nutritional deficiencies. 


Now we’re talking hardcore! You will definitely gain size and strength following a prohormone cycle, but you will also lose it if you don’t use a good PCT program. Make sure you understand what you’re doing before trying these. 

What About A Gainer?

If you’re following this Winter Plan For Mass, you might wonder if you should be using a lean gainer. Typically, I would say this type of product is best reserved for young lifters with fast metabolisms. For the most part, your carbs are easy to get from your diet, and you’re eating real food. On the other hand, it will be hard to eat as much protein as you need. That’s where protein shakes come in. They make a big difference in your ability to hot your daily requirements. 

Winter Plan For Mass – Tips

Here’s a few tips to help you get the most out of this program:

Use Enough Weight To Make It Challenging

If your working sets call for 8 reps but you could easily do more, you aren’t working hard enough. You need to add weight. Your last couple of reps should be almost impossible to complete, with you reaching failure on your last rep. Don’t make the mistake of using easy weights, or of letting momentum do the work for you. 

Make Sure You Keep A Training Journal

A training journal lets you keep track of your progress and all the things that contribute to that. Use your journal to track the time you workout, your reps and sets, and finally, the weight you used on each exercise. You can add any other details you like, such as the supplements you’re using, your mood, and how you feel. 

Don’t Add Weight Too Fast

If your working sets call for 8 reps and you’re only able to do 4-5 reps, you need to lower the weight. You’re trying to add weight too quickly. This is almost as bad as using too light a weight and knocking out easy reps. Either way, you’re not doing the recommended work. 

Winter Plan For Mass – Common Mistakes

When following the Winter plan for mass, avoid making these common mistakes:

Adding Exercises and Sets

Don’t make the mistake of thinking you need to do more. Don’t take this routine and start adding more exercises and sets per body part, it is a mistake. If you feel like you can do more work, you aren’t training hard enough. Put more weight on the bar, decrease your rest between sets, and get to work! 

Not Warming Up

Always, always, always take the time to warm up thoroughly. This helps prevent injuries. Nothing is worse than being injured, especially if it means you’ll be out of the gym for several weeks or even months. 

Not Following The Right Nutritional Plan

Your nutritional plan is essential to your success no matter what your goals are. You can’t eat a diet high in junk food and expect to gain mass. You’ll gain all right, but it won’t be muscle. Follow the nutritional plan presented in this article and you will be good to go. 

In Summary

In the cold Winter months gaining mass is what it’s all about. That’s true whether or not you compete. Regardless, come next summer, you’ll want to look your best. Follow this Winter Plan For Mass and get the size you want. Don’t forget to stop by for all your supplement needs!

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