Milo and his calf. I have always loved this story. The quick story goes as follows and you can find several variations on the internet.
Milo was was a Greek athlete that won the Olympics 6 times about 2000 years ago. How Milo got his strength was that his father gave him a young Calf and that his father wanted Milo to carry the calf everyday to the village square, so Milo every morning would get up do his chores then go outside pick the calf up and sling it across his shoulders and walk into their village. Then walk back.
What Progressive Overload Is All About
This happened everyday. Day in and Day out, Milo would carry this calf as it grew everyday. And as we know Calf’s turn into Bulls. So after a time or several months Milo was carrying this bull over his shoulder into his Village. Needless to say Milo became stronger. So strong that he won the Olympic games for 6 years straight and was the undisputed wrestling champion of Greece.
That is the quick story.
But what it tells us is that Milo was the grandfather of Progressive Overload. Progressive Overload is where we slowly go heavier each week on each muscle group. This has been around for 2000 years. and is tried and true, and it works for everyone. There is nothing new about this and I find it funny when people come out with weird workouts every year and say they have found a new way to build muscle and strength. Of course this is for the people that don’t know any better but this is also why I have a lot of readers that read my stuff because I’m not trying to bull anyone ….. No pun intended here.
Be Like Milo – Add Weight To The Bar Consistently
The simple truth of the matter is. If you pick a body part and each week to strive to go a little heavier each week with your weight and reps you will get stronger. Along with strength comes more muscle mass and along with more muscle mass comes easier ways to control fat.
That is the simplest I can explain it. So lets be like Milo and his Bull and lift more each week and become Greek Myths.