In this edition of Supplement Spotlight, we’ll take a closer look at the budget-minded Alpha Supps Pre – a high energy pre-workout! The importance of a good pre-workout goes without saying. Ignore the few naysayers who think a cup of coffee is the same thing. A good pre-workout can make a very big difference in your workout performance. You will experience more energy (if you’re OK with stims), greater alertness, elevated focus, increased endurance, and massive pumps. Finally, depending on the formula you may experience increased motivation and more strength. That’s an impressive list of benefits! I love coffee, but it doesn’t do all that!
What Is Alpha Supps Pre?
One of the things that’s becoming more and more popular are budget-minded, “core” or “basic” pre-workouts. This type of product will have a shorter ingredient list, but that’s offset by very attractive pricing. One newer entry into this growing category is Alpha Supps Pre. It’s marketed as a high energy pre-workout due to its impressive caffeine content. This is a simple but well-designed pre-workout that comes in at a very reasonable price.
See it here:
Let’s Look At The Ingredients
Like most quality supplements, Alpha Supps Pre features full disclosure labeling. It’s nice to see that the majority of companies are dumping prop blends in favor of fully disclosed labels. If you see a product that is not fully disclosed, skip over it, it’s not worth it. Also, the next step is effective dosing. Alpha Supps Pre is well dosed. Sure, some pre-workouts are much stronger, but you’d be surprised by how many are significantly weaker.
For example, Alpha Supps Pre contains 4,000 mg of Citrulline. That’s a fairly standard dose. Yet I have seen prop blend products that, when you look at the total dose for the blend, then look at the number of ingredients in the blend, you see that their dose of Citrulline is roughly 1/10th of 4,000 mg, maybe. Thing is, you never know the exact dose of any ingredient in a prop blend, you can only guess.
OK, that’s a pet peeve of mine, but let’s get back on track and look at the ingredients. There are 30 servings, and 1 scoop provides the following:
Pump/Endurance Blend
L-Citrulline – 4,000 mg
Citrulline is one of the most effective nitric oxide boosters on the market. For what this product is, this is a good dose of a very effective nitric oxide booster. (1)
Beta Alanine – 3,200 mg
This is a very popular endurance ingredient. Beta alanine works indirectly by increasing the body’s production of carnosine. This in turn blocks the buildup of lactic acid, allowing you to perform more reps. Here it’s fully dosed for maximum effect. (2)
Vitacholine® – 500 mg
Choline is part of the B-complex family of vitamins. Vitacholine is a branded version that enhances focus, memory, and mood. It also supports muscle control,among other benefits. (3)
Pink Himalayan Salt – 200 mg
This ingredient supports hydration and contains an array of trace minerals.
Juniper Berry – 150 mg
Juniper berry provides antioxidants, eases inflammation, supports digestion, and promotes relief from muscle soreness.
Energy/Focus Blend
Caffeine Anhydrous- 350 mg
What would the world be without caffeine? Alpha Supp Pre provides an impressive 350 mg per serving (1 scoop). We know, of course, that caffeine promotes energy and alertness. It also stimulates thermogenesis and improves overall workout performance. (3)
Dicaffeine – 100 mg
This is actually dicaffeine malate, which is 75% caffeine and 25% malic acid. It’s a form of caffeine that helps prevent the “crash” commonly associated with high amounts of caffeine. So, with both versions of caffeine, the total caffeine content of this pre-workout is 425 mg. That’s my kind of dose!
Huperzine A – 200 mcg
Here’s an impressive nootropic that supports memory, improves overall cognitive function, and acts as a neuroprotectant.
How Do I Use It?
As always, when using a high-caffeine pre-workout like Alpha Supps Pre, start with half a serving to determine tolerance. Move up to the full dosage once tolerance has been determined. If you are an experienced pre-workout user, jump right into a full serving.
What Can I Stack Alpha Supps Pre With?
You can stack a pre-workout with anything. In terms of a workout stack, I would add creatine monohydrate and glycerol to a serving of Alpha Supps Pre. Creatine monohydrate is the original cell volumizer, which means water-based pumps. Glycerol is also a cell volumizer, so now you have 2 very impressive ingredients that will work with citrulline for huge pumps. Not to mention, the endurance you can get from glycerol is unreal.
I would also use an EAA powder as an intra-workout. This helps keep the body in an anabolic state. This is key since training is catabolic. Of course, don’t forget your post-workout protein and carb shake. One great option is 5% Nutrition Real Carbs and Protein. Check it out!
Find all your supplements right here:
There’s a seemingly endless number of pre-workouts currently on the market. But many of them are very high-priced. If you find you’re having trouble affording your usual pre-workout, it’s time to try an affordable option. By itself, Alpha Supps Pre is a great choice. Add my suggested options (all reasonably priced by the way) and you have a powerhouse pre-workout combination. So why wait? Order your supplements today!