In this article, I’m giving you suggestions for the best supplements for strength. But wait, do I mean traditional strength training, or the recent, mainstream definition of strength? Well, to me, seeing some old guy lifting tiny plastic dumbbells does not qualify as “strength training”. I’m talking about bodybuilders building their strength foundation, powerbuilders, and powerlifters. Now that’s strength! Check out this article and find out what supplements you should be taking!
Strength Starts With Proper Nutrition
If you want to be able to push heavy weight you’ve got to eat enough quality food. That means plenty of protein, clean carbohydrates (no junk foods), and healthy fats. Don’t be afraid to eat 6-8 small meals a day if need be. Of course, 2-3 of those can come from shakes.
The Post-Workout Shake
Make sure one of those meals is your post-workout shake. Whether it’s in fashion or not, drink a whey protein/fast digesting carb shake within 15 minutes of your workout.
Don’t Forget Recovery
As most of you know, I am a big believer in recovery. Don’t neglect this critical piece of the puzzle or you won’t achieve the goals you have set for yourself. Recovery includes sleep, proper nutrition, and allowing a few days between workouts as needed. To that end, I suggest a 3-Day split because it allows 4 days for recovery, and it allows optimal flexibility.
Protein Powder
We know that consuming approximately 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight is one of the keys to recovery, strength, and muscle gains. Since consuming enough calories is key, adding a protein powder can help you meet your daily requirements. (1)
Suggestion: Hi-Tech Precision Protein
This is one of my favorite protein powders for one very simple yet critical reason – it enhances protein synthesis.
Carbohydrate Powder
Of course, consuming enough calories does not just mean increasing your protein intake. After all, it’s carbs that are used for energy by the body. Lack of carbs and you will not see the strength gains you want. One way to help you get there is by adding a carbohydrate powder to your program. Whether you use it before your workout, after your workout, or both, it can help you meet your calorie goals.
Suggestion: EFX Sports Karbolyn
EFX Sports Karbolyn can make a big difference in your workout energy by supplying quick glycogen replenishment, which means more ATP for muscular power. You can also use it post-workout with your protein powder for fast recovery.
Lean Gainers
First of all, a gainer is best used by someone with a fast metabolism who just can’t gain. Second, you need to make sure you choose one that’s low in sugar and not overloaded in carbohydrates. If you meet those requirements, a gainer will help. It’s just a simple matter of progressively increasing your daily calorie intake until you start to gain muscle (not fat).
Suggestion: Hi-Tech Critical Mass
Unlike some gainers that are 80% carbohydrates, Critical Mass features 75g carbs to 50g protein. That’s a great balance, and will help you gain lean mass, not unwanted fat.
Creatine is the original cell volumizer. Of course, it also promotes ATP production, which is the energy source for muscular contractions. There are studies that claim long term use of creatine can make an impressive difference in strength. (2)
Suggestion: AllMax Nutrition Creatine Monohydrate
This is micronized creatine monohydrate with nothing else added. Since it’s an unflavored powder and you only need a teaspoon, you can mix it with anything.
For optimal workouts, a pre-workout is the way to go. A big reason is the energy you will get from using one. Whether it’s caffeine or caffeine and other stims, the right pre-workout will make every training session a great one. (3)
Suggestion: Gorilla Mind Gorilla Mode
This is easily one of the best pre-workouts available. With huge dosages of effective ingredients such as citrulline, betaine, caffeine and creatine, and a fully open label, it’s hard to beat.
Of course, prohormones are the strongest legal supplements and will produce significant strength and mass gains. It’s very important to understand what you’re doing with these, so I suggest reading this article first.
Suggestion: Blackstone Labs Metha-Quad Extreme
Metha-Quad Extreme features 4 ingredients and is fully disclosed, unlike other prohormones that just use prop blends. While experienced users most likely will stack 2-3 prohormones, you don’t have to with this one. You can grab a couple bottles for a full 8-week cycle, and make sure you have both on-cycle support and your post-cycle therapy locked in.
In Summary
We have the supplements you need to help you reach your strength goals. All you need to do is stop by and stock up!
- Cermak, N. M., Res, P. T., de Groot, L. C., Saris, W. H., & van Loon, L. J. (2012). Protein supplementation augments the adaptive response of skeletal muscle to resistance-type exercise training: a meta-analysis. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 96(6), 1454–1464.
- Kreider R. B. (2003). Effects of creatine supplementation on performance and training adaptations. Molecular and cellular biochemistry, 244(1-2), 89–94.
- Astorino, T. A., Rohmann, R. L., & Firth, K. (2008). Effect of caffeine ingestion on one-repetition maximum muscular strength. European journal of applied physiology, 102(2), 127–132.