Check Out This Exercise: Reverse Grip Bent Over Rows

In a past edition of Check Out This Exercise, we looked at a Dorian Yates favorite, the Reverse Grip, or Underhand, Pulldown. Yates preferred this grip because, among other reasons, it brought the biceps into play. In this edition, we’re looking at another Yates favorite, Reverse Grip Bent Over Rows. We’ll cover muscles worked, variations, provide a routine, and suggest supplements. Ready? Let’s jump right in!

What Are Reverse Grip Bent Rows

Also known as underhand bent over rows, the Reverse Grip Bent Over Row is a compound exercise that promotes back thickness. All types of rows build thickness, while pulling movements like lat pulldowns build width. Of course, you’ll need to do multiple exercises for each for complete back development.

Muscles Worked

The Reverse Grip Bent Over Row works the overall back muscles. Also involved are the biceps, traps, and rear deltoids. The midsection, glutes, hamstrings, and quads acts as stabilizers. (1)

The Dorian Yates Connection

Much like Reverse Grip or Underhand Pulldowns, Reverse Grip Bent Over Rows were a Dorian Yates core back exercise during his competitive days. Yates felt the close underhand grip was superior to the standard overhand grip. He felt he could handle more weight with the assist he was getting from his biceps. It seems to have paid off, Yates had one of the best backs in Olympia history. 


This exercise can be done with an EZ bar, dumbbells, low cable and two D-handles or a bar attachment, or resistance bands. 

Power Rows

Bent over rows are a compound exercise and are traditionally done using heavy weight. If that is your goal, do a power row by only leaning over a little (at about a 30 degree angle) and you can handle more weight. This variation is easier on the lower back for those with problems in this area. That would include me, as I had lumbar fusion surgery in 2016. Therefore, I’ll only do power rows, often as a biceps exercise using a close underhand grip. 

Add Them To Your Routine

Here’s an example routine using Reverse Grip Bent Over Rows. This routine is balanced between width and thickness movements. I don’t really suggest it, but you can alternate a thickness day with a width day if you want to. I tend to prefer somewhat lower sets, so I’d do 8-12 sets on each day. 


After warm-ups, perform the following:


Deadlifts – 3 sets x 10, 8, 6 reps


T-Bar Rows – 2 sets x 10, 8 reps


Lat Pulldowns – 4 sets x 15, 12, 10, 8 reps


Reverse Grip Bent Over Rows – 3 sets x 12, 10, 8 reps 


I suggest using a 3-Day Push, Pull, Legs split routine. Perform this back routine and then go right into biceps. 

Performance Tips

Make sure you’re performing your reps over the complete range of motion. Do these slow and controlled, using a 2-second concentric and a 4 second eccentric. On the last rep of each set, hold and squeeze your back and biceps in the fully contracted position for a 3-4 second pause. Also, and you hear me say this all the time, handle enough weight. If you’re stopping at a predetermined number because it’s starting to get tough, yet you can easily do more reps, you aren’t training hard enough. Add weight, and push through it. 

Add These Supplements

It starts with a good protein powder, such as Hi-Tech Precision Protein. Next, get the maximum from your workouts with a good pre-workout, such as Gorilla Mind Gorilla Mode, easily one of the best pre-workouts on the market. No doubt you’re using an intra-workout, right? The only choice is  5% Nutrition All Day You May, an amino powder that’s in a class by itself. From there, I advocate a post-workout shake, and suggest 5% Nutrition Real Carbs (it uses real food sources) with your Precision Protein. Finally, if mass is your goal, try a prohormone cycle. Make sure you read this article first.  

In Summary

Whether done normally or power-style, Reverse Grip Bent Over Rows are a great compound exercise to add to your back routine. Hey, if it’s good enough for Yates, right? Follow the suggestions listed here, give Reverse Grip Bent Over Rows a try, and kill that back!




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