The snatch is known as the fastest exercise in the world. It will build full body power and an increase in full body power.
Begin by standing with your feet at shoulder width apart and your feet about half way under the bar. Squat down through your knees and grab the bar with wide grip, this should be as wide as possible without stressing your shoulders. This should also be a double overhand grip, or your palms facing your body. Now, lean over slightly and arch your back; you should also be completely straight. Now, pull the bar explosively off the floor by pressing through your heels and using your legs. As the bar comes up extend your hips and shrug the bar. Continue pulling the bar up by allowing your elbows to go out to the side. Finally, pull your body underneath the bar and extend your arms up over head, and then lock out your legs. Return the bar by lowering the bar to mid thigh level, and then slowly lower the bar back to the ground. Repeat this movement until you complete your set.
Advanced Olympic weightlifters use weights that bounce on the floor so they do not have to return the bar to the floor. This will prevent some injuries and allow the athletes to do more repetitions.
Begin by standing with your feet at shoulder width apart and your feet about half way under the bar. Squat down through your knees and grab the bar with wide grip, this should be as wide as possible without stressing your shoulders. This should also be a double overhand grip, or your palms facing your body. Now, lean over slightly and arch your back; you should also be completely straight. Now, pull the bar explosively off the floor by pressing through your heels and using your legs. As the bar comes up extend your hips and shrug the bar. Continue pulling the bar up by allowing your elbows to go out to the side. Finally, pull your body underneath the bar and extend your arms up over head, and then lock out your legs. Return the bar by lowering the bar to mid thigh level, and then slowly lower the bar back to the ground. Repeat this movement until you complete your set.