Kettlebell Single Leg Deadlift

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The single leg deadlift is used to build the hamstrings while also helping with balance and coordination in athletes. This exercise also provides a good stretch in the hamstrings.


Begin with a kettlebell in one hand, and stand on one leg. Pause and hold this position until you find your point of balance. You should stand on the leg which is on the side of your body that is holding the kettlebell. Keep your knee slightly bent and begin to bend forward at the waist. Continue to bend over until your torso is parallel with the floor. Your opposite leg should be extended behind you, and you should feel a good stretch in your hamstring. Next, return to the upright position, by pulling your torso back and standing up. Repeat this movement for a set number of repetitions, and then repeat with the other leg.


You can hold your opposite arm (the arm that is not holding the kettlebell) out to the side to help with balance.

Kettlebell Single Leag Deadlift Start
Kettlebell Single Leg Deadlift End

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