This exercise is used to train explosive power in the hips which can aid in squats.
Begin by standing up with a kettlebell in between your legs; your feet should be shoulder width apart or in your squat position. Next, pick up the kettlebell and hold it in between your legs while in an athletic stance; this means back straight, chest out, and a slight bend in your knees. Next, swing the kettlebell back in between your legs by slightly squatting down. Drive your hips forward and explosively pull the kettlebell up and out. The kettlebell should finish its swing at about shoulder height; then allow the kettlebell to swing back to the starting position. Do not try to stop the kettlebell, allow the kettlebell’s momentum to return it to the starting position. Repeat this movement until you have completed your set and then repeat this motion with the other hand.
Make sure to use your hips to move the kettlebell, do not try to swing the kettlebell with your arms.
Make sure to use your hips to move the kettlebell, do not try to swing the kettlebell with your arms.