Sissy Squat

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This is an advanced movement that is similar to a squat, but the sissy squat works the quadriceps harder than a standard squat. This movement works the bottom part of the squat and also provides a good stretch at the bottom position.


Stand upright, with your feet approximately shoulder width apart; some say that your feet should be closer, but find where you are most comfortable. Rise up onto your toes and hold onto a stationary object for balance. Now, bend your knees and lower your body until your upper thigh is parallel with the floor. Hold this position briefly and then use your thigh muscles to push your body back up to the starting position. Repeat until you complete your set.


Stand upright, with your feet approximately shoulder width apart; some say that your feet should be closer, but find where you are most comfortable. Rise up onto your toes and hold onto a stationary object for balance. Now, bend your knees and lower your body until your upper thigh is parallel with the floor. Hold this position briefly and then use your thigh muscles to push your body back up to the starting position. Repeat until you complete your set.


This exercise puts a lot of stress on your knees; if you suffer from knee pain you should avoid this exercise and replace it with normal squats or leg extensions.

Sissy Squat Start
Sissy Squat End

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